Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Band Camp 2012 Policies and Procedures

The Policies and Procedures of the 2012 CHS Band Camp have been posted to this website. You can find it on the bottom of this website under "Band Camp Policies and Procedures."
Please note that some policies may have changed from last year. Parents and students please take a minute to read through them.
-On the first day of camp each student will be given a Medical Form. It is VERY IMPORTANT that this form be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the next day. Any medication being taken by a student (including asthma inhalers) must be given to the band staff at the beginning of each day. Medication will be distributed as needed during the day. This is for your safety and the safety of your fellow students.
-Please note that all students must remain on campus throughout the duration of camp. NO ONE will be permitted to leave for lunch. All keys and cellular communication devices will be collected at the beginning of each day and stored in a secure location. The purpose of this policy is for safety and focus during rehearsal. Any concerns with parent/student communication should be directed to Mr. Brown.

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